WP7 constants

I have tried to gather some important ones. I will update this post when I spot something new :)


  1. 3 - devices can be unlocked by one developer(one live ID)
  2. 3 - apps can be deployed by DearmSpark developer per one phone
  3. 5 - free apps per account (next one is 19.99$)
  4. 5 - seconds after launch the app must show something to the user(loading screen f.e.).
  5. 10 - apps can be deployed by developer(paid fee) per one phone
  6. 15 - push notification channels per device
  7. 20 MB - The maximum size of the OTA (over the air) installation file for the application.
  8. 30 - frames per seconds XNA updates the screen.
  9. 60 - frames per second Silverlight updates the screen
  10. 62 x 62 - icon size(PNG)
  11. 90 MB - memory usage for devices with 256 MB ( limit can go up for devices with more than 256MB)
  12. 99  x 99 - Small mobile app tile (PNG)
  13. 173 x 173 - tile size(PNG)
  14. 200 x 200 - Large PC app tile(PNG)
  15. 225 MB - The maximum size of the XAP package file.
  16. 480 x 800 - screenshoot of an app.
  17. 1000 x 800 - Panaroama background for marketplace - not 1440 (PNG)


  1. 0.99$ - mimimum price of an app
  2. 99$ - registration fee
  3. 200$ - payout threshold
  4. 499.99$ - maximum price of an app

The collection time of payment

  1. 15 to 30 days for credit card billing
  2. 90 to 120 days for mobile operator billing
Written on December 11, 2010